Voltar a Eventos 2021

Budapeste Green Talk

Presidente da PPA, José Saldanha Matos, foi orador na Budapeste Green Talk dedicada ao tema “Water security and Climate Resilient Development” que decorreu online a 14 de abril.

Estiveram presentes cerca de 25 participantes e o Programa contou com os seguintes intervenientes:

  • Prof. Dr. José Saldanha Matos, President of the Portuguese Water Partnership.
  • Eng. Manuel Quintino, from the National Institute of Water Resources, Angola.
  • Dr. Kinga Csontos, and Dr. Veronika Bagi, both from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Hungary (Climate Policy Department).
  • Mr. Bence Fülöp, CEO of Trinity Enviro, a Hungarian company with projects in Uganda.

Link permanente para este artigo: https://www.ppa.pt/eventos/eventos-2020-2022/eventos-2021/budapeste-green-talk/