SmallWat21v: Congress of capitalization results IDiAqua project

The fourth edition of SmallWat21v, International Congress of Capitalization of Results of the IDIaqua Project,  a project focused  on R&D+i of excellence for wastewater management in small urban areas, will take place on June 17 and 18, in both virtual and face-to-face format.

The Smallwat21v congress will be a space for reflection and debate for scientists, technicians, companies, policy makers and society in general on the technological, political and management challenges of wastewater sanitation services in small urban clusters.

Would you like to participate in the Congress?

  • SENDING COMMUNICATIONS BY MARCH 1. The scientific committee will evaluate presentations and notify participants by 15 APRIL. Authors interested in presenting their work in oral or post-post communication, must present an abstract through the Congress website by the next day 1 MARCH. ?  PRESENTATION HERE:
  • Registrations will be open from 3 MAY 2021. Since SmallWat21v will be the final event of the IDIaqua Project that is funded by the Portugal-Spain Cross-Border Cooperation Operating Program (POCTEP), registration is free, however limited to 200 participants so registrations will be received in order of receipt.

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